Travel and Accommodations

Whether you’re traveling in from rural Alaska, the Lower 48 or joining AFE from Anchorage, these travel and accommodation tips will help make your experience at AFE a bit easier.

Alaska Airlines Discount
Every year, Alaska Airlines generously offers a travel discount for those traveling in from rural Alaska and the Lower 48. Book at using discount code: ECMK804.

Book Flight

Hotel Information

The Anchorage Downtown Marriott will be providing AFE’s host hotel service for the Alaska Forum on the Environment.

The Anchorage Marriott Downtown Hotel is offering a discount rate of $179.00/night. That is less than the existing government travel rate! Space is limited at this hotel and at this rate. Please book your reservation early.

Anchorage Marriott® Downtown
820 W. 7th Ave
Anchorage, Alaska 99501 USA
Reservation Line: 1-907-792-2110
Reservation Email Desk:

Book Hotel


For those of you driving to the event or renting a car, please be cautious to use proper* local parking areas.

  • JC Penney’s Entrance - Sixth Avenue, one way driving east, immediately past F Street on the right (south) side.
  • Fifth Avenue Entrances - On B Street between Fifth and Fourth Avenue from both directions. On Fourth Avenue between B and C Street, from both directions.
  • Sixth Avenue Entrance - On H Street, East side between Seventh and Sixth Avenue, from both directions.
  • Seventh Avenue Entrance - On G Street, one way driving South, on the right (West) side between Sixth and Seventh Avenue.

*Do not park in the the Linny Pacillo Garage (7th Ave., across from Dena'ina & Atwood Tower). The Linny Pacillo Garage is the State of Alaska’s Employee and Visitor Garage and is not available for public parking during business hours.

Additional Parking Information